Changing over time. What are the criteria Japanese women look for in a potential husband?

Love and Relationships

The criteria that Japanese women seek in their potential husbands have changed over time.

For example, during the period known as the Bubble Era, from the end of 1986 to the beginning of 1991, the “3 Highs” were often mentioned.


  • High education
  • High income
  • High height


Men who met all three criteria were considered attractive, and many people with high aspirations sought these traits.


After that, the times changed and in the 2010s, the ideal marriage partner was said to have “4 Lows”:


  • Low-profile…does not act arrogant or superior
  • Low dependency…does not rely on his wife to take care of everything at home
  • Low risk…has a stable job with no worries about layoffs
  • Low spending…is not extravagant and does not spend much on hobbies


This change in women’s preferences was influenced by the prolonged recession, which led more women to seek stability rather than high standards in their partners.


Furthermore, the times have continued to change, and recently, “3 Warmths” are said to be important:


  • Kindness
  • love me
  • feel safe


or “3 Strengths to Survive”:


  • Survival skills
  • Livelihood skills
  • Productivity


These criteria are considered attractive to women who feel the impact of the ever-changing times and are looking for partners who have the mental fortitude to adapt and survive.


While these criteria refer to qualities women seek in their marriage partners, not in romantic relationships, the ideal conditions for marriage partners change with the times and the environment. It seems that Japanese men have a tough time keeping up.



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