Cracking the Shyness Code: Understanding the Reasons behind the Reserved Japanese Nature


Recently, many Japanese people, including athletes, have been active and successful on the world stage. However, what kind of impression do you have about the Japanese character? You may think of humility, valuing harmony, and not asserting oneself, among other things, but it is also often said that Japanese people are shy.

But why are Japanese people often seen as shy? In this blog article, we will explore some of the reasons why shyness is widely observed in Japanese culture.


Cultural norms

One of the biggest factors why shyness is widely observed in Japan is the country’s cultural norms. Japan values humility, politeness, and group harmony, and some people hesitate to draw attention to themselves. It is not uncommon for Japanese people to prioritize the needs of the group over themselves, but they may feel uncomfortable when put in situations where they need to assert themselves.


Strong conformity pressure

In fact, even from a Japanese perspective, human relationships in Japan are characterized by very strong conformity pressure. There is a tendency to fear that expressing differing opinions will disrupt group harmony. Conformity pressure is also observed in education and employment, for example. In company training after joining a new job or during group work, it is often required to reach a consensus within the group, which may prevent people from expressing different opinions. Due to the strong conformity pressure, some individuals may find it difficult to express themselves.


Acceptance of ambiguity

Japan is a culture that accepts ambiguity rather than avoiding it. This can also be seen from the fact that Japanese people tend to avoid direct expression. Japanese people often infer intentions from context or atmosphere and may not clearly state their opinions to respect others’ opinions. Also, even if they say “yes,” it does not necessarily mean that they agree. By accepting this kind of ambiguity, Japanese people can value harmony and empathy and avoid conflicts. However, in business negotiations with foreigners, this ambiguity can sometimes lead to misunderstandings, so caution is necessary.


Many Japanese people struggle with self-assertion and direct expression

As a result, many Japanese people find it challenging to assert themselves or express themselves directly.

Men find it difficult to express their affection directly to women. They may feel embarrassed to say words like “like” or “love you.”


Women are expected to be demure

In Japan, women are expected to be demure.


The word “Yamato nadeshiko” is used to describe the ideal image of Japanese women. It expresses the idea that Japanese women are beautiful, elegant, modest, and graceful. Literally interpreted, it means “a gentle child from the land of Yamato.” This word is derived from traditional Japanese aesthetics and culture and is considered one of the virtues that women should have. Yamato nadeshiko is desirable as a woman who has a refined and calm beauty and a gentle and kind personality. This word is known as a symbol of Japanese culture and helps foreigners understand the beauty of Japanese women and the respected traditional aesthetics of Japanese culture.


Such an ideal image or expectation for women can also be considered as one of the reasons that restrain women from asserting themselves.



Japanese people do have a shy personality, but it does not mean that they do not have their opinions. If you find it difficult to speak up when communicating with Japanese people in a group, try asking them directly by name, “Even if it’s slow, I want to hear your honest opinion.” Then, they may be nervous, but they will surely express their opinions. Also, even if Japanese people are not comfortable with speaking in a large group, many of them can communicate actively in one-on-one conversations. So, it would be helpful to think of Japanese shyness as a superficial characteristic.



This is a Japanese culture introduction website supervised by Japanese editors who were born and raised in Japan. While touching upon the Japanese national character and spirituality, we will introduce various aspects of culture through different themes.

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